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Friendship & Bridesmaids | Maryland Wedding Photographer

Hi Loves!!

One major aspect of the wedding planning process is deciding who is going to stand by your side on your big day and help you turn up on the moments leading up to it! 

Me personally, I struggled so much with this because I have an amazing group of girlfriends! Honestly all my friends are lit and so amazing and I LOVE EACH AND EVERYONE OF THEM. I went to an all girls boarding high school, so my friends from high school are my sisters. 

I knew for sure that my amazingly brilliant and beautiful sister in law was going to be my Matron of Honor. She has been in my life since I was 8 years old! Thats almost 20 years. She's supported me and seen me through lots of major life events. Love her! She keeps me on pace and calm.

After solidifying her and her role- then came the challenging part. I have a group of best friends, a GROUP. As much as I wanted to have all 25 of my closest most cherished friends I had to choose only 8 women to match up with my fiance's fraternity line brothers. So I sat long and hard, thought and thought and thought some more. Who could I not envision my day without? Who can I rely on for this next step? Who is going to keep me covered in prayer?  Who is going to make me laugh? And who would be reliable in the midst of all they have going on in their own lives to make time for me? When I finally stopped and thought about my friends and what they meant to me it became so easy and so clear. 

Choosing bridesmaids is not about who you've know the longest, its about choosing the ones who were/are there for you, the ones whose bonds are the most meaningful, the ones you love no matter what, the ones who don't judge you, the ones who listen, the ones where you see them and don't even have to speak but are communicating anyway, the ones you need for whatever reason, the ones that make you laugh with one word, a gif, a meme or a look, and the ones who are there when you need them no matter how long its been since you last spoke.

In my group of bridesmaids I have everything I need and then some; and  I have an even larger group of best friends who support me through and through! (I LOVE YOU BEAUTIES! -Shoutout to my middle school friends: Sarah!!, Dom/Dani, My Madeira sisters: Bree H, Lina, Justine, Haile, Bree Rob, Andrade, Janet, Renee, Taylor D, Mia, Stuart, (oh my gosh its so many more of you I need to name)-my college friends: Ivon/Aidi, and my work friends- who've become sisters) * just forgive me if I've accidentally missed you*

Say hello to my bridesmaids- #IssaSnackPack

These beauties are everything to me. I love them! They are all so smart, talented, FUNNY, supportive, loving and amazing. So blessed to have them